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Fifty Orwell Essays - Project Gutenberg Australia

THE SPIKE. It was late-afternoon. Forty-nine of us, forty-eight men and one woman, lay on the green waiting for the spike to open. We were too tired to talk much.

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Religion: Illuminati created solar myth, sun of God ...

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Legends Of The Egyptian Gods

The Egyptian Texts, edited with Translations by E. A. Wallis Budge London, 1912 [Editorial note: Throughout the text

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Abhidharma – (Sk.). From Buddhist metaphysics. The light of Abhidharma signifies the highest consciousness, Buddhi-manas. (LHR I, p 496) The light of Abhidharma is ...

Volcanoes and volcanology | Geology

Kilauea; Mount Etna; Mount Yasur; Mount Nyiragongo and Nyamuragira; Piton de la Fournaise; Erta Ale

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