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    Alabaster Statue | eBay This is a great-looking antique 1920s or 30s era art deco carved Alabaster statue of a nude. Estate fresh and ready for display. 5 in by 8 and 1/2 in. British Colonial Furni……

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    antique bronze lion | eBay Find great deals on eBay for antique bronze lion. Shop with confidence. brass lion statue | eBay Find great deals on eBay for brass lion statue. Shop with confidence. Li……

  • lion bronze statues bronze animal for house

    Life Size Marble Reclining Pair Lion Statue Outside House … Bronze sleeping lion statues life-size animal sculptures for lawn ornaments decoration Western design antique bronze lion sculptures……

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    welcome garden statues elk statue from china- bronze|figure … As well as from metal, glass, and resin. And whether life size elk statue is art & collectible, home decoration, or souvenir. ……

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